


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

AT-AT Bed Body taking shape

Have a new update for you on the progress of the AT-AT bed but first I would like to announce the birth of our new padawan daughter Saraphina Mae.  Born March 31st she weighed 6.8 lbs.  Both mother and baby are doing great and getting fairly good sleep.

Now that our family is adjusting we can now get back to the business of blogging about star wars and the AT-AT bed.

A few days back we headed over to the grandparents for a visit a brought the camera along.

The body of the AT-AT bed is coming together.  You will notice that special attention is being given to the fine details of the bod.  Each of those small pieces was cut and glued to the body.

Jack popping up through the hatch door.

Panel doors on the inside body are installed so Jack can hide his Star-Wars figures or as he calls them his "guys"

Grandma picked up this toy AT-AT at a second hand store a while back.  Gary has taken it over and is using it as a model...or is he just saying that so he can play with it?  hmm...